Architect at work

Spatial ability, designing and generating the form of the building with interior and exterior spaces of the building are very important in a architect work.
Architects must have knowledge from other fields too;locational analysis,environmental control,Judgment over matters of cost,interior design.
Functional,data,solution or enterprise architecture, are different concepts, that makes us to think that boundaries between architecture and design are unclear.The differences between them may be unclear,but there are four ways to generate 3D forms.

1.Pragmatic- it has started in very early times.aphysical modification, the cultural, political and aesthetic values are some kind of designs.
The method of Trail and Error which is dated since the Paleolithic settlements, firstly  was made by mammoth hunters and used for their tents.
Igloos is an example, which are the houses of Eskimos,and thay have been used that type of bulding for a long time and it is hard to be changed.

2.Iconic Design- it is related to tribes and some other legends.Iconic design is related to pragmatic one, because firstly you have to deal with pragmatic design and then with iconic one, just like the building, the bricks are arranged in such a way to make the hole composition.

3.Analogic-Is the kind of design when a designer prepares drawing or model first as a representation of his intentions,and after realising it.Creativity is essential in this type of composition.New forms by analogical process must be created.Mastabas is a kind of excample, buried tombs in piramids. 
Le Corbusier related his ideas to natural forms. He designed an Unitarian meeting house by the first impression of hands clasped in prayer.

4.Canonic-The drawings must be prepared before it was being constructed,order and regularity are important in such kind of design.To reach the order and regularity,we need some mathematical methods and rules, mentioning the Gree, based in the earth fire air and water formed from regular geometrical solids forms.


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