Daylight and colore

    We learned about the impact of daylight in architecture and its importance in perceiving plasticity,textures,etc. There are different ways the daylight is used but we will talk about three main ones:1-Bright open hall, It's a roof supported by columns and it is opened in the sides and the light in there differs from the light outside. A lot of light doesn't mean it is a good light(a front light is considered a "poor" light). Good quality of textures and plasticity makes a good light.
The room with a skylight, is a room or a building with the daylight entering from the top.It is the only lighting source,and it satisfies the need of the room for light.It creates good textures and plasticity.We learned about Partheon and the way it was build.3-The room with the light entering from the side,is the most used natural lighting,because it is a very good light. We learned how the light changed on the inside when only the two upper shutters were opened (same lightning) and when two lower shutters were opened (focused near the window). 
Sometimes using these methods seperately isn't enought,so we have to combine them with each-other for the best light quality(different sources but same direction).
Colore, is a very important element in architecture because it effect in our mood and the way we see different things but yet it isn’t a must be element, because is mostly used to emphasis the character of the building or the accentuate it’s form or it’s material. There isn't a wright or wrong way to use colors,but we can use them correctly by considering some of their properties. Our eyes feel more pleased when they see materials in their own color.We have to think about the culture of diffrent of different countries and the meanings of the colors and it helps us to communicate something. Our mood can be affected by colors,and we must know the feeling each of them gives(white walls in the hospital to give a feeling of things being clean).
We must be very careful when we use light and color because we may transmit something else to the viwer,and give a different impresion that we want to give.


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