Solids and cavities and architecture.

There isnt any wirght or wrong in arcutre because there are different perceptions and perspectives.Some say that zebra is black in color with white line and some say the opposite,they are both correct in their perception,the same thing happens in architecture.Solid-Minded and Cavity-Minded are two main types of architect. We must know what solids and cavities are and understand the differences between them.It is the realitionship between form and space.We should understand the space as a visual solid form. The relation form-space is very important and we can see it in different ways. The first one Solid-Minded, usually think about the general idea of the building and than add the details, which usually results in treating the parts of the building mainly aestheticaly.Cavity-Minded are the opposite. They consider the building like a solid mass and start to consider the spaces inside of it, mostly in Renaissance Period. This division exists even in nowdays but we have to pay attention to both form ans spaces to create a aesthetic and functional building.


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