Scale and propotion

The main topic in this lesson was about balance, rhythm, scale and proportion, emphasis, unity and variety.

•Visual rythm, more specifically visual rhythm, wich is depended in the way that the the elements are repeated.

•Balance can be symmetrical  or an asymmetrical  so it the sides can correspond or not. The balance can be defined related to  the color,texture, the complexity, of the composition.It is related to the form and the color of the elements.

•Scale and proportion.we learned about the differences betwwen them.Propotion is about the the comparison of the relationship between the elements of the composition and scale is about the porpotional relationship between two stes of dimensions that can be based on the human,distorted,hierarchical scale.We learned about a perfect proportion called golden sectionthat can be calculated with [a:b=b:(a+b)]. It was been used since the  ancient times till nowdays because it is very pleasing for the eye. The Malcontentaand Villa Garche are two good exambles that we saw.Even though, it was Le Corbusier continued his study and made a book about the measurements of human body that can be used in his work, The modular.He used 15 of this measurements to bring the human scale into a large building.

•Emphasis,is about a part of the building  that attract the most attention to the viwer.

•Unity and verity.Is about the parts of the composition are combined between them in a harmonic way and it creates a hole compodition but this parts must have some differences to make the building more interesting for the eye.

Another interesing part was about the regulating lines that are based on mathematical calculations because they give rythm,harmony to the composition.The can be used as helping lines or they can be realated to the golden section.


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