ARCH 101 Basic Design
We had to introduce first the home assignment where we learned where we learned how to focus more in shapes and composition.The assignment was to create again a design in A4 paper, 11 rectangles 2×4, 7 squares 2 cm.
The first assignment was to create again a design in A4 paper, 7 rectangles 2×4, 11 squares 2 cm and new element 5 equilateral triangles 2 cm. We had more shapes so we could arrange them how we wanted to.We made mistakes but we learn from them afterall.
The next asssignment was more fun, because he had to be the judge of one of our friend's work. We had to write down our critics and our thoughts what he/she did wrong or right.Some reworks were better than the original some where not.In a lot of compositions was done the same mistakes.In mine i didnt use full paper potential.
I think if we had more materials we could have done something better but i think we aren't ready yet.

P.S:1 photo is missing i will show it soon.


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