Perceptual bases

In this text the main thing was that buildings are like a language that architetcts can express theirselfs and what the building wants to communicate us.The main way that those buildings communicate is the visual one,but sound,humidity,temperature affects on us too.To have a good design of a building we should transmit a meaning to the viwers but without losing it's function.We devided it into 6 points to understand better what the image communicates.1.Building program-calculates the shapes,sizes.2.Building type-Different building transmit different feelings to the viewer and a message to communicate.3.Site-the building must be related to the surrounding buildings and it can affect direclty in the image.4.The architect style-Each architect has it's own style that indentifies himself by just looking at his work.5.Building technology-Using the same space for different function(stadium transformed into a stage by moving the seats)6.Environmental studies-Architect must understand how people behave in the building or composition(shortcuts made in the parks)
To make a good composition a architect must use some techniques.The first thing we talked about was Proximity diagramming it is related to the sizes and the positioning of the elements.Symbols and signs-should be used carefuly because they change the meaning that want to be represented.Gestalts is dealt with the ways people percept different patterns.Ges means that human mind can be “manipulated”, it can perceive shapes if in reality there isn’t any closed shape, symmetry if there isn’t a real symmetry(Most likely this perception is changed by time).Some of the most used gestalts are:A.Figure/Ground-There must a be a good compositions betwwen the elemts and the background.B.Centre of gravity-Is not the mathematical centre the gravity,it it the points that attracts your attention the most.(Teacher in the class,dirigent in a orchestra).C.Configuration-Our mind ha a tendence to simplify the design.D.Similarity-Our mind tends to group similar things together and with similar function.E.Proximity-Putting two objects by one another all the times,gives the idea that they will always be related together.F.Symmetry-It is used to create grouping.G.Closure and good composition-Human mind percepts an abject as full even if it is not completed.H.Archetypes-They are some rules that an architect should follow.I.Patterns-Differs from building to building,and it helps to give the meaning of the building
We learned that the architects must communicate something from their compositions,there must be a harmony between the building elements and we learned some tips to reach that good composition.


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