We started this assignment in class and the teachers told us what we were doing wrong.It was a chance for us to reconsider the way we arranged those elements.In this composition are a lot of mistakes but i can see them now more clearly.
We learned about the impact of daylight in architecture and its importance in perceiving plasticity,textures,etc. There are different ways the daylight is used but we will talk about three main ones: 1- Bright open hall , It's a roof supported by columns and it is opened in the sides and the light in there differs from the light outside. A lot of light doesn't mean it is a good light(a front light is considered a "poor" light). Good quality of t extures and plasticity makes a good light . 2- The room with a skylight , is a room or a building with the daylight entering from the top.It is the only lighting source,and it satisfies the need of the room for light.It creates good textures and plasticity.We learned about Partheon and the way it was build. 3- The room with the light entering from the side ,is the most used natural lighting,because it is a very good light . We learned how the light changed on the inside when only the two upper shutters were opened (same...
In the primary part of this book, "Engineering and the subject of Technology", we are presented with a perception of the idea of workmanship and innovation in time which at last are incorporated in connection to design. All through the main section of the book, there is communicated a feeling of the philosophical development of Phenomenology. Alberto Perez-Gomez, one of the writers of this book, is himself a compositional scholar who bolsters the previously mentioned rationality and figures out how to pass on it in his written work on workmanship and innovation. Toward the start of his contention, the creator intends to clear up the principle information second thoughts, which he should later clarify in detail, viewing the idea of innovation and in addition the all inclusiveness of instrumental reasoning. It is precisely this method of reasoning which has a tendency to for the most part misrepresent terms amid talks, along these lines lessening a mind boggling matter of iss...
I am not a fan of big spaces.I like medium sized spaces and well organized.They must t shouldn’t feel like different compositions but as one.The space must be relate to the activity that is made to be.Diferrent purpose are needed different spaces.It may change the size of the space,the positioning or even the form of the space.This hobby house will be created to satisfy me personaly and the people that see it.Before I explain what the hobbies I like will be inculded in this house I d like to explain my general idea of my dream hobby house.The location of the building is very important,I like the nature and I want to be as close as I can to it.So the building will be build in top of a hill or near a forest or in the forest.As I mentioned above I am not a fan of big spaces so a 2 story house with a underground floor would be perfect.i have different hobbies as reading,cooking,watching movies and the main one(you may not look as a hooby but it is to me) being with friends.So I have ...
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