ARCH 121 Introduction to Architecture

In the classroom was made a lot of talking and the most important thing i understood was not to copy from others work.If you copy is called Kitch.We talked about old style architecture that isn't always beautiful and tried to tell the differences between art and beauty.The most important difference was that art has to do with intuition while beauty is related to the physical senses.The originality in art is very important,because the artists represents his feeling in his work.It can't be a geometrical law of art or the law of simetry.That i not art that is math!Art repressents the artist.Art isn't always beautiful but that the point,a way to show your feelings.We readed about  Herbert Read and Thomas Jacks,who have written some briliant books.Read said that ART has always been considered as a metaphysical phenamenon.Art is an attempt to create pleasing forms that are in harmony with each-other.Music is the highest form of art because it connects art directly with the public.Jackson made "De architectura" or “The 10 books in 1 book” where is trying to defy Architecture: “Architecture is a science invoking much “discipline”, or mental training and deep knowledge of various kinds, so all work done by the other arts have to be tried and approved.”


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