Arch 121 Form and style in visual arts

"Form and style in visual arts"

Thomas Munro classifies 3 main group of design:1.Visual,2.Auditory,3.Audiovisual.

It can be presented in a flat,curving or polyhedral surface and the most important components are line,color,texture.There are 3 subdivisions of visual:A.strip,B.bounded-area,C.allover design.
Strip design is extended mostly in one dimension and is made by units that can be repeated infinite times,like a pattern.Bounded-area design is limited within given two-dimensional area .Allover design in unbounded in two dimensions with a tendency to indefinite repetition.

2.Auditory design can be presented as musical or word-sound design.Musical design is based on thematic development of rythm and word-sound design is presented  when literature is spoken.

3.Audiovisual design can be represented as surface or solid design.In  audiovisual surface design mobile visual patterns are combine with music,word-sounds or both and audiovisal solid design is produced by combining mobile solid patterns with auditory ones.

The part i enjoyed the most in this reading assignment was Piet Mondrian art.I spend some time watching at his paintings and i think they are amazing.


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