
Showing posts from October, 2017


The third assignment :  “It was similar with the last task but we had to cut 11 black rectangles of size 2×4 cm”  Conclusions (3nd assignment):  “We shouldn't make a monotonous image(like a chess field),the symetry wasnt neccecary,all the parts must be connected to each other." .”


The second assignment :  “we had to cut a cartridge paper by 22×29 cm and 7 black squares by 2×2 cm, then we needed to create a 2D design with those black squares on white cartridge paper.”   Conclusions (2nd assignment):  “we should be aware not to create another shape from the tiny squares,there will be an logical and eye pleasing view after the work was done."


The first assignment :  “The task was to print 2 photo of our selfs in A3 format.One of them we had to cut it in seven pieces and arrange them how we wanted..”   Conclusions (1 assignment):  “The importance of the task was to combine the pieces  image choosen  how it looks and not to base in its deep meaning  .”